About Gina

I’m a writer, and a resilience & self-care coach with a clinical background whose focus is on empowering others into a state of resilience, authenticity, and curiosity. I will have obtained my life coaching certification through JRNI come January of 2020. In 2014, I obtained a BFA from Fredonia in Sculpture and moved on to pursue a Master’s in Art Therapy from Nazareth College which I obtained in 2018. It was during this time that I had to learn to refocus from casting judgement on myself, my thoughts, and the world to exploring the “why?” of it all. The universe is constantly throwing curveballs our way. Most days they are minor, but other days they are devastating and I’m currently just trying to find the balance. I have a lot yet to learn. I’m hoping you’ll allow for me to share with you the things I have learned along my journey as you embark on yours. I believe the strongest quality of human nature that comes from within is curiosity and that this quality should be nurtured through self exploration and awareness, compassion, mindfulness, nature, companionship, and the rare but quiet moments in life.

I thank you sincerely as you have taken time to allow me into your life, even if only briefly.